Get it Out!

(Pictures of the things I list as outlets)

This page is dedicated to giving you some good ideas for outlets - ways to escape from depression, anger, hurt, sadness, loneliness, and any other emotion you might be dealing with at the moment. I think that having a POSITIVE outlet is one of the best ways to deal with difficult things. So, I'll start by making a list of some possible outlets you could try and then I'll post some links to some sites that might be of help to you. I want to state first that sometimes an outlet is just a temporary solution and, although helpful, may not be the thing that brings you lasting happiness. On the other hand, you may explore different outlets and find something that you like so much that you make it your life's passion and it does help bring you lasting happiness. Either way, having an outlet- somewhere or something you can escape to when you're unhappy, is a great way to calm yourself down and gain some perspective on difficult situations.

Possible Outlets:

  • Music - you could learn to play an instrument or just listen to music. When I was growing up, and still today, one of the best things for me to do to escape was to sit at the piano, play and sing. I would write my own songs with music and lyrics that came from the deepest parts of me. I didn't care if anyone else ever heard my songs or liked them. These songs touched my heart and expressed how I was feeling. They got me through so many difficult days and nights. So, try it! If you don't know how to play an instrument, see if you can learn. If you don't have access to any instruments, see if you can earn the money for one or at the very least, listen to some music that inspires you. My personal recommendation would be POSITIVE music- something uplifting. I could never wrap my head around death metal or anything really hard core. It just made me feel dull, lifeless, and even more unhappy...even angry. Here are some links to music that really inspires me:
          And here are a few ideas for instruments you could try as well as websites that offer free online       

               - Piano
               - Guitar
               - Drums
               - Harp
               - saxophone/clarinet
               - violin/viola
               - cello               
  • Physical Activity - I'm sure you have learned in Health class or have heard it said somewhere that exercise gets your endorphins flowing, which makes you feel better! One of the things I used to do a lot of before I had three kids and life got too crazy was to run a lot. Sometimes I ran by myself and other times I ran with others. You don't have to run, though! You can do any kind of physical activity and those endorphins will start flowing! So, join an aerobics class, do some dancing, join gymnastics, martial arts, swimming, any type of sport, do yoga, pilates, kick boxing, hiking, biking, go for a brisk walk, and the list could go on forever! There are SO MANY ways to get exercise. So, do you mind AND your body a favor and get moving!
  • Gardening - Gardening is another physical activity that gets your endorphins going and also can bring you satisfaction from helping a living thing grow and beautifying the area around you.
  • Sports - Again, getting those endorphins flowing really helps you feel better. Also, being able to compete in a sport, being able to reach personal goals, and associating with people who enjoy similar activities are all great ways to forget about troubles for a while.
  • Crafts (sewing, scrapbooking, glass blowing,  window art, stained glass)
  • Repairs - you could learn how to repair cars or do household repairs. Take a shop class in school or ask a handyman (or woman) in your family or neighborhood to help you learn. You could get so good at fixing things that you might make a hobby out of fixing up old cars or computers or other things and reselling them or putting them on display.
  • Building, wood work, sculpture, pottery - being able to create something out of a block of wood or a piece of clay or rock can be really cool and really satisfying. I've seen some of the neatest wood carvings done by an elderly man in my neighborhood and I just wish I could do something like that!
  • Reupholstering, staining - Reupholstering is taking an old couch or chair and making it look new again with new materials. Staining would be taking something like a chair or table or other wood piece of furniture or decorative item and staining it a different color. 
  • Music Mixing - Go to your school's drama department or music teacher and see if you can learn the basics of audio and sound mixing. Experiment with different music mixing/DJing computer programs, as well.
  • Rock Climbing
  • Writing - you can write novels, short stories, news stories (look around at the news and try to write up the news in your own words), write for the school newspaper, write screenplays or poetry or songs.
  • Photography - take a photography class in school or through local community classes. Or, just get a camera and start taking pictures around your community. Experiment with different lighting and different subjects, like nature, people, interesting scenes, etc.
  • Candy Making - learn to make fudge, suckers, chocolates, caramels, etc. It really can be a fine art and you could even start your own little business by making special occasion candies and selling them for holidays. Just be sure to check with your local community about business licences if you're serious about making money.
  • Cooking - learn to cook Italian, Asian, good old-fashioned American grilling, Mexican, etc. There are so many things you can learn how to cook. Subscribe to cooking magazines or websites that offer recipes you can submit and comment on.
  • Interior Design - Ask you parents if they will let you decorate your own room and experiment with different colors, lights, rugs, decorative pieces, paintings are pictures, etc. Experiment with matching different color schemes.
  • Museums - there are all kinds of museums- historical, art, animal, dinosaur, entertainment, single event, musical, etc.
  • History - there are so many topics you could learn about when it comes to history: U.S., World, a particular country or group of people, one war or world event, a certain person's life, the history of your own family, the history of an animal species, the history of a school of thought or a religion
  • Culture - there are almost endless culture you could learn about and you could try different foods associated with those cultures. There are hundreds of distinct cultures in Africa, South and Central America, Europe, among the Native Americans, among aboriginal people and island people, etc.
  • International Discovery - this is kind of like culture
  • Travel - gather pictures and descriptions of places you'd like to visit, learn about the history of those places and the things there are to do there.
  • Collecting - there is no end to the kinds of things you can collect: stamps, ornaments, trinkets, souvenirs, key chains, model cars, cards, etc.
  • Blogging or journaling - sometimes it helps to just write our feelings down
  • Reading - books are a great way to lose yourself for a few hours and learn about someone else's life or feelings or thought processes.
  • the Arts (Drama, art, Dance) - self expression is one of the best ways to calm down and express your feelings
  • Movies - get into a particular genre, like action, sci fi, etc. and learn about different directors and their particular styles.
  • Finding a special place - I've often found certain places I like to go to help me feel better - on a hill overlooking some beautiful scenery, to a neat building or a high building that you can go to the top of and look down at the landscape, a beautiful field full of wildflowers, etc. Whatever it is, find a place you can go that helps you calm down, clear your head, and feel better about life.
  • Community service - sometimes it really helps us to forget about our troubles when we take time to serve someone who has troubles of his/her own.
  • Community programs outside of school - plays, Boys and girls club, etc. - just get involved in something outside of your home or school 
  • a Job or internship - find a way to earn some money or feel like you're contributing to something productive. Also, sometimes being around other people who share a similar experience with you (like working the same job) can be relaxing and can help you forget your troubles.

Things NOT to get involved in:

  • spending hours on the computer
  • stalking
  • endless tv watching
  • endless gaming
  • laying around for hours
  • loitering
  • drugs and other illegal activities
  • anything that makes you feel negative