Style on a Budget

(Styles from inexpensive stores' websites)

This page will be a work in progress. My goal for this page, since I have absolutely NO sense of fashion or style and have no clue how to apply makeup (I had to ask my sister-in-law and a close friend to give me makeup lessons when I was 25 and I still botch it up pretty bad!), is to eventually get some well-known people or institutions to write a few posts or make some how-to videos that I can post on here. The content will have something to do with finding ways to be in-style without having to spend a lot of money. This may include tips on how to find good things at second-hand and/or discount stores or how to get great deals on fashionable clothing, makeup, etc.

One idea I do have for you is to have a makeup, clothing, and/or hairstyling party with your friends. You may have some friends that are already really fashionable or know how to do their makeup and hair really well. Maybe one of your friends has a mom or sister or aunt or knows someone who does hair or makeup or just always looks good. See if this person-in-the-know would be willing to come to a party (or call it a meeting if you'd rather) with you and your friends to teach you how to do your makeup or how to be a little more fashionable or in-style. You could experiment with different makeup colors and/or different hairstyles or have your friends bring some of their clothes over and you could all try on each others clothes! This may sound silly, but there is no better way to learn something than by trial and error and by getting some constructive criticism from people who care about you and will be honest with you.

Also, if you don't have a lot of friends or don't feel comfortable asking your friends to have a party like this, then maybe you have one friend or family member you could ask to show you just a few things or give you a few style tips. Don't be afraid. Like I said, I was 25 when I asked my sister-in-law and a friend to give me some makeup tips. I felt a little childish at first, but they were both really flattered that I asked and both had a lot of fun putting makeup on me! And they ended up teaching me some really great things! It's much better to suffer a little embarrassment now from asking for help than to feel embarrassed and self-conscious for the rest of your life because you don't know what to do!

Another thing you can do is go to YouTube and search for some how-to makeup or clothing videos. The internet can be such a great tool for self-improvement if used in the right way! I wish there had been YouTube when I was growing up and that I could have found makeup, hair, and clothing tips just by getting onto the computer! So, search for some how-to videos and experiment on yourself. Maybe all you need is just a little direction. Here are a few YouTube examples:

I like this one particular video site for makeup tips:
Makeup for Beginners   and some of the other videos associated with this site -
How to Apply Eyeliner   or   How to Apply Eyeliner
How to Apply Eye Shadow
Foundation or Cover-up
Skin Care

However, not everyone will like the same how-to videos. So, look around for videos that are more your style and that you are able to follow well.

For hair tips, I look to this book:  Curly Girl: The Handbook, mainly because I have curly, frizzy, and basically unmanageable hair. This book was a life saver for me! After years of looking in the mirror everyday and hating what I saw, mostly because of my hair, I am finally able to like how I look MOST of the time because I know basically how to do my hair. It's still a work in progress and I still haven't worked up the courage to experiment much beyond what I had already figured out, but I am miles further ahead now than I was in high school, and that is a good thing! (Show difference btwn hair while in school and hair now). The good thing about MOST hair is that it's usually pretty easy to find someone who is willing to experiment with you hair - a sister, a friend, an aunt, your mom, etc. You can look in magazines, online, etc. for ideas. And, there are literally dozens of websites out there with hairstyling ideas and tips. Now, if you're like me and have really difficult to conquer hair, then you have a problem that may not be very easy to solve, but don't give up! It IS solvable! There are good hair straighteners out there (I have a Chi). You can try a perm. You could give a Brazilian Blowout a try, though they are pretty pricey. Again, experiment. Take time to try different things. Put some time and effort into your hair and you should be able to find ways to make it work for you. And don't let anyone try to convince you that some crazy hairstyle looks great when you don't feel comfortable with it. IF you hate it and/or it makes you feel uncomfortable, don't do it. Example:

As far as clothing tips go, this is really an area that I have absolutely no clue about. I know some people say that you should wear certain types of clothing for your particular body type and that some clothing can make you look thinner or frumpier or can change the way your body shape looks, but I just have no idea about any of that. And, to be honest, I don't have much interest in changing my clothing style. I wear what I'm comfortable wearing. Now, luckily I've gotten a little better at choosing my clothes since I was a teenager. I guess it's time to break out some of the most embarrassing pictures of me that I have....are you ready for a good laugh? Well, here ya go:

See! Oh, boy. The good thing is, I got over my horrible sense of style and now I can look back and laugh. The sad thing is, I sure suffered for it in high school!

I think there are also some websites out there that let you upload a picture of yourself and then use templates to let you experiment with different hairstyles, makeup colors, and clothes. I'll look more into that a post on here when I find some good sites.