
(Pictures of not taking myself too seriously)

Sometimes, the only thing that will make us feel better is to get a good laugh. After all, laughter releases endorphins into our body- the same hormones in our body that are released when we exercise. Laughter makes us feel better, so we should all try to laugh a little bit every day. On this page, I will post links to some of my favorite funny videos and pictures and will also post some of my favorite jokes. When I was in school, one of the things I did to help me escape from how I felt about myself or to help me forget something mean someone might have said or done to me was to watch funny tv shows and movies. Some of my favorites were "I Love Lucy," "The Carol Burnett Show," and "Dick Van Dyke." I know, those shows are a bit old, but they are still hilarious! Here are a few links to some of my favorite comedy scenes from tv shows. They're from YouTube, so I'm not sure if they'll always be available to view, but here they are for now:

"I Love Lucy" - the candy factory episode
"I Love Lucy" - the egg dance
"I Love Lucy" - Vitameatavegamin
"I Love Lucy" - pizza episode

So, find some shows that you love that just make you laugh and turn them on to help get those feel-good endorphins flowing!

Another thing I love is clean stand-up comedy. I'm not really a fan of dirty, crude humor, mostly because it doesn't take a lot of thought. However, I LOVE clever, standup comedy. One of my favorite comedians in a guy named Brian Reagan. Here are a few YouTube clips:

Brian Reagan - poptarts
Brian Reagan - Emergency Room
Brian Reagan - Stupid in School

Again, find some good stand up comedian routines, turn them on, and laugh it up! :)

There are a lot of other ways to get a good laugh. Go to a comedy show at a local university or comedy club (of course, make sure it's one geared toward your age group). Go to a funny movie or pop one into your DVD player. There are lots of funny things you can see on the internet, but you have to be especially careful when searching for anything on the internet. There are a lot of sites that have incredibly inappropriate images, videos, jokes, etc. that will just make you feel worse about yourself. So, look for clean jokes, clean pictures and videos, etc. And if there is any question about what might be on the website, just be safe and don't look at it!

Aha Jokes - clean humor (click on one of the four categories at the top of the page - Jokes, Pictures, Audio, or Video)

Try the "Just for Laughs" mini episodes on YouTube.  Here are a few good ones:

Top Ten Just For Laughs Gags
Best of Just For Laughs part 1 (This video has parts one through 20, I think, so after viewing part one, type "Best of Just For Laughs 2011 part 2" and so on through part 20).

Babies can be really funny, too, so look at some of these:

Top 10 Funny Baby Videos

You can search "funny babies" or "Funny kids" on YouTube and come up with some REALLY funny videos.

Again, before watching any videos on the internet or searching for anything, you really need to get your parents' permission and make sure they know what you are doing. A good idea might be to have your parents install a filter system into your computer that will help filter out all the crude garbage that you could potentially come across by searching the internet.

There are so many ways to get a good laugh. Spend time with your friends, read a funny book, sometimes even the Sunday comics can produce a little smirk. :) Just laugh and you're one step closer to a better day! And find ways to laugh at yourself - laugh at some of your most embarrassing moments. Laugh at some of the silly mistakes you've made. Don't take yourself too seriously. Maya Angelou wrote this poem:

“My life has been one great big joke,
A dance that's walked,
A song that's spoke,
I laugh so hard I almost choke,
When I think about myself.” 

- And I think it's a great way to look at life!!